A New Year has begun, and with it comes many chances to jump back into those running routines you might have let slide during the holidays. One way to start is the upcoming Joe Davis Memorial Resolution Run on January 10, 2015, in Indian Land. This race is dedicated to new beginnings and empowering people with addictions to start a fresh life—the perfect way to start a new running year! This is also a good time to evaluate your pronation and running style to see if that can help you protect your feet on the go.
Pronation is the biomechanical process through which your foot strikes the ground, absorbs pressure, diffuses your body weight, and pushes off the ground again. Everyone’s foot pronates in some way. How you pronate, though, impacts your stride and may contribute to injuries. There are three main pronation and running styles:
Normal Pronation
As your heel strikes the ground and transfers your bodyweight forward, your arch rolls in just slightly to make contact with the ground. From there, force continues forward to the toes, and you push off the ground evenly. This is the most efficient pronation style and least likely to contribute to injuries.
This occurs when your arch rolls inward too far as you strike the ground. Your foot flattens more than normal and doesn’t absorb shock quite as efficiently. When you push off the ground, your big toe carries the majority of the pressure. This can strain the arch and contribute to conditions like shin splints and heel pain.
Supination (Underpronation)
Some people have feet that don’t roll in enough when their feet strike the ground. The force of impact and your body weight is then directed along the outside of the foot. Your small toes are forced to work harder to push off. This also destabilizes the feet and can contribute to injuries.
As connected as pronation and running are, you’re not guaranteed to suffer injuries just because you don’t have a naturally neutral pronation. Wearing the right shoes and conditioning your feet can go a long way toward protecting your lower limbs. If you’re not sure how your feet pronate, or you’re already struggling with pain when you run, let us know at Carolina Podiatry Group. See how we can help you make the most of your activities. Use our website or call our Indian Land and Lancaster offices to make an appointment: (803) 548-FEET for Indian Land, or (803) 285-1411 for Lancaster.