Sometimes, no matter what you do to try to fix something, it just won’t work. Like that leak under your sink— maybe you’ve wrapped it in duct tape, calked it, or tied a rag around it, but it just keeps dripping. At some point, you run out of options and have to call in the professionals. Bunions are just like that! You can try conservative treatments, but if they don’t seem to ease your pain and you are struggling with everyday activities as a result, it might be time to consider bunion surgery.

Get Back in Line

Bunions form when the big toe joint is out of alignment, forcing the joint to protrude outward while the big toe drifts inward toward the others. Shoes that do not accommodate this bump can cause pressure and irritation and make the situation even more painful. A switch in footwear, padding, stretches, and splints can all help to slow progression and keep the toe straight and comfortable. However, sometimes these methods are not enough and surgery is needed to return the toe to its proper alignment and eliminate your chronic pain.

Get Back to Pain-Free Days

If you’ve tried everything but are still experiencing pain, and your bunion is interfering with your normal lifestyle, making even walking unbearable, come see the experts at Carolina Podiatry Group. We can assess your condition and determine which type of procedure would be best for your individual needs.

You may only need to repair the imbalance of tight and loosened tendons to properly align your toe. In other more severe cases, though, bone may need to be removed or cut then realigned and held in place with screws and plates.

Getting Back on Your Feet

Duration of recovery depends on the procedure performed, as well as how closely you follow post-surgical care instructions. Typically with bunion surgery, you will have bandages that need to be kept dry, and you can expect to wear a special shoe or cast for protection and support. Keeping weight off of your foot is key to successful healing. You should try to bear weight as little as possible for the first few weeks. Elevating your foot on some pillows will help to minimize swelling, as will ice and anti-inflammatory medication. It is important to schedule follow-up visits to ensure your foot is healing properly. Physical therapy exercises will eventually be incorporated into your recovery plan to restore your foot’s strength, flexibility, and function.

Once we give you the go ahead, you may begin wearing footwear again, however, be sure that your shoes are not too tight or narrow—you need plenty of wiggle room for your toes! It’s also a good idea to choose a pair of shoes made of soft leather rather than stiff materials with no give.  Orthotic shoe inserts could prove helpful as well since they can distribute weight evenly and direct pressure away from the affected area. These also provide added cushion and support, which can go a long way towards preventing recurrence.

Get Your Life Back! Call Our Carolina Podiatrists Today

If bunion pain is stopping you from enjoying life and doing the things you love, we can help! If you’ve tried everything else to no avail, bunion surgery may be just the thing to ease your discomfort and get you back to pain-free days. Contact Carolina Podiatry Group to find out more. Visit us online, or call for an appointment at one of our convenient SC locations. Dial (803) 285-1411 in Lancaster, (803) 285-1411 in Rock Hill and (803) 548-FEET (3338) in Indian Land.

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