Tame Your Achilles Tendonitis Pain With Help From a Podiatrist
Tendonitis is not something you can ignore. The pain associated with a swollen and possibly infected tendon will only worsen over time without treatment. Seeking prompt care from a podiatrist at Carolina Podiatry Group is your ticket to a fast recovery.
Symptoms of Tendonitis
Those who have tendonitis will tell you—the pain is real! The swelling and lack of mobility are proof of the devastation caused by this common injury.
Tendonitis is caused by the overuse of the tendon, usually from running and working out. When you’re active, the pain will probably become slightly worse. You might also have a rude awakening to pain each morning.
If you have a popping sensation, contact your podiatrist immediately. This is an indication that your Achilles tendonitis has caused your tendon to rupture, which is very serious.
Treating the Pain
Like most athletes, you’ll probably want to ignore the pain as long as possible in hope that it will resolve itself. It won’t. Getting treatment as soon as you know that something isn’t quite right in your heel and calf is essential to keeping you moving and active.
When you visit one of our Carolina podiatry offices, your doctor will take an imaging test. This will help us determine the extent of the injury. Once that is known, you will be prescribed one of the following treatments.
- Immobilization, such as from a splint or brace.
- Anti-inflammatory help from icing or medication.
- Custom orthotics to support your foot and ankle during recovery.
- Physical therapy to repair the damage and restore mobility.
In rare cases, you might need surgery to make a full recovery. By talking to a podiatrist early on, you may avoid that risk and heal faster.
Don’t Wait to Make the Call
It’s tempting to avoid calling a doctor. You don’t want to be told that you can’t be active anymore. However, without fast treatment you are more likely to stay off your feet for longer.
Get in touch with our office today by phone or by using the contact form on this page to get started with your treatment plan.